Everything begins from Zero

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 “My young child repeatedly makes basic maths mistakes.” “His maths memory is very poor!” “Is my daughter number blind?” “Probably inherited from me…”

I heard many of these worries from parents. But before you jump to any dramatic conclusions about your child, let me assure you: more often than not, their maths difficulties are NOTHING.

I mean, nothing serious!

It’s just – their problems are ZERO (pun intended)!

By now, I can probably write an adventure book entitled “Kids and Zero” (see video):

🟣 Some kids think ZERO is useless.

🟣 Some do not like it.

🟣 They misplace it.

🟣 They forget about it.

🟣 They skip it.

As a result, they struggle with times tables, with number lines, column methods, make mistakes with negative numbers – you name it!

And the problem could be simply that your child lacks a proper understanding of Zero and numbers –

🟣 as maths concepts.

That some Zero and numbers-related maths brain-twisters have not been fixed yet.

That they understand numbers intuitively only.

It’s only normal for all kids and nothing to worry about.

But your child has to be helped to fix the problem as soon as possible, before they start complaining that maths doesn’t make sense, lose interest in maths and, still worse, before they lose belief in themselves.


❓Has your child ever said to you that maths does not make sense?

Please share your thoughts!


🟪 The correct maths teaching is the only way to help your child understand maths properly.

🟪 Once they grow to understand maths, they grow to enjoy learning it and start to see how to use maths – independently.

📢 Follow me #MorrishMaths on social media for FREE tips and ideas or contact me directly to discuss your child’s maths learning progress.

at home with maths

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